Do It: Yourself Termite Control?

Termites devour wood. They will eat anything made of wood or wood products, including books, documents, trees, shrubs, porches, floorboards, attics, and sheds. Each year termites destroy billions of dollars in property. Because of the tremendous damage termites can do, it's important to stop them at the very first sign of their presence.

If you catch a termite invasion early, there are some home methods for termite control that will work quite well. Here's a quick guide to getting rid of those destructive pests on your own.

Identify damaged areas

Take a flashlight and a screwdriver into your basement, attic, or other area where you suspect termites might be invading. Use the flashlight to help you spot mud tunnels or insect wings. Tap around the area with the handle of your screwdriver. Listen for a hollow sound that might show termite damage. Gently poke at holes and hollow spots with the tip of the screwdriver. If it sinks easily into the wood, you've probably found termite damage.

Seal off the area

Use a caulking gun to seal up all the small cracks and crevices you find. Pay special attention to the frames of doors and windows. Fill in any cracks in the foundation that you find, and close up the openings around outdoor water faucets, cables, and wires. Cover air vents and filters with mesh screen to block any large openings that provide access to the inside.

Control the population

Use cardboard and Tetracycline powder to make a trap for termites control. Cut large pieces of cardboard into squares about two feet in size. Mix Tetracycline powder (you can buy it at a feed store for large animals) with a gallon of water, and soak the cardboard thoroughly in the mixture. Dig a shallow hole in a spot close to your house, and bury the cardboard there. Leave it for a week, then dig up the cardboard and burn it. Termites will be attracted to the cardboard - and the Tetracycline will kill them.