Natural Best Termite Control Tips

Using a Natural pest control approach isn't just limited to using natural products or insecticides. It's about using whatever natural means you can use in order to control pests, including the best way to manage pests, in my opinion and that is...PREVENTION!

Remember the old saying:"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?" Well, in regards to pest control, we can change that old saying to: "An ounce of prevention is worth a TON of cure!"

Prevention, using an integrated, practical pest management system may involve mechanical, physical as well as chemical prevention. Since my expertise is with the subterranean (below ground) termite, we'll start there.

Mechanical Termite Prevention

Natural, mechanical prevention for termites involves using physical deterrents, removing temptation, eliminating access channels, and removing conditions that are favorable for termite infestations.

One of the most important factors when it comes to termite control is this: First and foremost, the subterranean termite MUST have a certain amount of moisture to survive. Period!

Knowing this little tid-bit of information is half of the battle when dealing with subterranean termites. Now, there is always an exception to the rule. There is a species of termite called the dry-wood termite that has very limited moisture requirements, but they are more prevalent in the Western states and fairly rare in the South/Southeastern US.

I believe I treated maybe, two (2) dry-wood termite infestations in a five year span in the Conyers, Georgia area. That should give you some idea as to how rare they are. So, since moisture is a requirement for termites, this should tell you that some of the best ways to prevent subterranean termites without using toxic chemicals, is to:

Remove any moisture sources from around your home. This includes any standing water.
Repair any leaking downspouts, gutters and flashing.
Repair leaking pipes, or faucets that drip.